The end of an era: Goodbye WordPad

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Jimmy Tran

Jimmy is a certified network and systems engineer with over 13 years of experience in building and managing IT infrastructure. He created LevelUp MSP to bring unique solutions to the world of IT service providers for small and medium businesses by focusing on delivering proactive virtual CIO services.


Microsoft has made an unexpected move and has announced its decision to discontinue the WordPad application. Marking an end to the steadfast companion for Windows users for over three decades. Since its inception alongside Windows 95, WordPad has served as a reliable, albeit simpler, alternative for document creation and editing, especially for those without access to Microsoft Word. This modest application, capable of opening .doc files, is being phased out after years of loyal service to users around the globe.

The announcement came with little fanfare, leaving many to ponder the reasons behind this decision and its implications for businesses and individual users alike. Microsoft’s plans involve halting updates for WordPad and, ultimately, removing it from future Windows installations. The timeline for these changes remains vague, with only the assurance that it is indeed on the horizon.

This move prompts a broader reflection on the role of basic word processing tools in our digital ecosystem. WordPad, often confused with its simpler cousin Notepad, offers more advanced formatting capabilities akin to those of a word processor, unlike Notepad’s focus on plain text. This confusion between the two applications raises questions about whether their similarities contributed to the decision to retire WordPad. Alternatively, this could be seen as a strategic push by Microsoft to encourage users to subscribe to Microsoft Word, an integral component of the Microsoft 365 suite, thus enhancing its service offerings.

Microsoft’s guidance further underscores this shift, recommending Microsoft Word for rich text document management and Notepad for handling plain text files, effectively sidelining WordPad. Such recommendations highlight a strategic redirection towards more sophisticated and revenue-generating software solutions.

Despite this, the sentimental value and utility of WordPad for a segment of the user base cannot be overlooked. Its simplicity and accessibility have made it a go-to for quick edits and basic document creation tasks. Yet, the broader impact of WordPad’s discontinuation may be minimal for those who have moved on to more advanced word processing tools, including Microsoft Word itself, which offers a far more robust set of features.

For those who hold a special place in their hearts for WordPad, all is not lost. Microsoft is open to feedback through the Windows Feedback Hub app, suggesting that a significant enough demand could potentially influence the future of WordPad, whether as an optional download via the Microsoft Store or in some other form.

Where do we go from here?

One thing is clear in this transition, the digital tools landscape is evolving and the focus is on enhancing user experience and consolidating essential functions. For businesses and individuals alike, this may necessitate a reevaluation of the tools we rely on and an exploration of the alternatives available to meet our word processing needs. If you’re seeking guidance on selecting the best applications for your business or personal use, we’re here to help you navigate these changes and identify the tools that will best support your objectives.

For alternatives to Wordpad check out this long list of applications and don’t forget Google docs is readily available.